BIKE-CURIOUS is a program for Western Australian girls and women*.

Image: Ste Murray

Working towards fair access to bike riding and good times on the streets for everyone, BIKE-CURIOUS…

…offers fun, creative workshops which invite girls and women to share their thoughts about riding, explore their experiences, and support each other to take action to change things for themselves and their friends.

When girls understand what’s getting in the way of them experiencing the delights of everyday bike riding and make plans to change things, BIKE-CURIOUS provides money and support for them to carry out their action plans right away.

*BIKE-CURIOUS aims to be inclusive of trans and intersex women and girls, as well as non-binary and gender fluid people who are comfortable in spaces which centre the experiences of young women.

Image: Andy Caitlin

Strategies and actions developed by girls and women can be powerful catalysts for change in their communities, helping them reclaim the independence and joy of getting moving by bike!

If we want girls to have the same free-wheeling autonomy as boys, we have to ask them what needs to change.

Girls experience cities differently

“Women and men, girls and boys, experience cities differently and benefit differently from the opportunities available therein.”
- UN Habitat

Women’s mobility patterns, mode choices and experiences of the city are particular and are routinely excluded from consideration in transport planning.

Women + girls cycle less

Research shows that Australian women and girls are under-represented in cycling for transport and recreation. Adolescent girls have lower participation rates in moderate to high-level physical exercise than boys.

Image: Andy Caitlin

When was the last time you saw a group of girls riding together?

bike vibes for women + girls


bike vibes for women + girls ✴︎